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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Janini Pereira
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2003
Wainer, Ilana Elazari Klein Coaracy (President)
Campos, Edmo Jose Dias
Haarsma, Reindert Julius
Title in Portuguese
"Variabilidade do Oceano Austral usando um modelo acoplado de circulação geral"
Keywords in Portuguese
oceano Austral
onda circumpolar Antartica
variabilidade climatica
Abstract in Portuguese
Neste trabalho a variabilidade climatica do oceano Austral e a ocorrencia da Onda Circumpolar Antartica (OCA) sao investigadas. Foram usados os dados de uma simulaçao do modelo numerico acoplado do Nacional Centre for Atmospheric Research/ Community System Model - NCAR CCSM de 150 anos, e um conjunto de dados climatologicos como base de comparaçao dos dados do modelo. estes foram obtidos da Re-analise do NCEP/NCAR (National Center for Envirommental Prediction) para o periodo de janeiro de 1948 a julho de 2002. Com o intuito de analisar o comportamento sazonal e anual foram analisadas as climatologias e utilizada a tecnica de analise harmonica das variaveis de temperatura da superficie do mar (TSM), pressao ao nivel do mar (PNM), componentes meridional (Vy) e zonal (Vx) do vento. Para analisar o comportamento interanual dessas variaveis sao utilizados diagramas Hovmoeller, espectros de potencia, alem de tecnicas estatisticas como Empirical Ortogonal Functions (EOF) e singular Value Decomposition (SVD).
Title in English
Variability of the Southern Ocean using a coupled model.
Keywords in English
Antarctic circumpolar wave
climatic variability
Southern ocean
Abstract in English
In this study the climatic variability of the Southern ocean and the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave (ACW) are investigated. The National Center for Atmospheric Research/ Community System Model _ NCAR CCSM coupled model 150 years simulation data is compered with the climatology data from the Nacional Center for Envirommental Prediction - NCEP/NCAR Re-analysis, for a period from january/1948 until july/2002. Annual and seasonal climatology and harmonic analysis are used for the following variables: sea surface temperature (SST), sea level pressure (SLP), meridional and zonal wind. Hovmoeller diagrams, potencial spectra and statistics methods such as Empirical Ortogonal Functions (EOF) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) are used to analyze changes in interannual behavior of this variables.
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