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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Juliana Maria Faccioli Sicchieri
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
Ribeirão Preto, 2005
Ribeiro, Rosane Pilot Pessa (President)
Pedrão, Luiz Jorge
Santos, Jose Ernesto dos
Title in Portuguese
"Avaliação dos portadores de transtornos alimentares: da doença a quê?..."
Keywords in Portuguese
anorexia nervosa
bulimia nervosa
transtornos alimentares
Abstract in Portuguese
Os transtornos alimentares são doenças graves que podem cursar com comorbidades importantes se não tratadas com abordagens múltiplas do ponto de vista clínico, nutricional, psicológico e psiquiátrico. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar aspectos nutricionais e psicossociais dos indivíduos que foram portadores de anorexia e bulimia nervosas do Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares - (GRATA) - do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo-USP , se trataram e obtiveram alta hospitalar. Para tanto, elaborou-se uma entrevista semi - estruturada com dados demográficos de saúde atual, além as principais mudanças após o tratamento. Avaliou-se também o estado nutricional, por aferição de peso, altura, pregas cutâneas e circunferência do braço. O hábito alimentar foi questionado por meio de recordatório alimentar de 24 horas e questionário de freqüência alimentar. Para avaliação do ajustamento psicossocial do indivíduo, utilizou-se os seguintes instrumentos auto-aplicáveis: Questionário de Saúde Geral de Goldberg (QSG), Inventário de Depressão de Beck, Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão (HAD), Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26).Foram encontrados 10 sujeitos, 9 mulheres e 1 homem, com idade entre 21 e 34 anos.Por meio da entrevista semi-estruturada, observou-se mudanças significativas após a alta hospitalar como: 5 sujeitos já concluíram o ensino superior e contribuem com a renda da família, 3 sujeitos estão concluindo esses cursos, 5 sujeitos casaram-se e já presenciaram o nascimento do primeiro filho.Apenas 1 sujeito faz acompanhamento psiquiátrico,e nenhum deles tem acompanhamento nutricional. A presença de ciclos menstruais regulares constando em todos sujeitos do sexo feminino.Atualmente 1 sujeito usa medicação fitoterápica e chás diuréticos para manter o peso. A ingestão calórica se aproximou das Recomendações Diárias (RDA) em 9 sujeitos e excedeu a recomendação diária de proteína em 9 sujeitos. Algumas vitaminas e minerais se mostraram deficientes como ferro, cálcio e retinol em 6 indivíduos. O questionário de freqüência alimentar quando comparado com a pirâmide alimentar adaptada para a população brasileira, se mostrou adequado nos itens: grupo do leite, verduras e carboidratos. Alimentos hipocalóricos e dietéticos são consumidos com freqüência por 7 sujeitos.O QSG mostrou valores indicativos de normalidade em todos os fatores. O HAD classificou com ansiedade leve 4 sujeitos da amostra. O Inventário de Beck detectou depressão leve 1 sujeito da amostra. O EAT-26 não apresentou pontuação indicativa de comportamento alimentar anormal. Conclui-se que esses indivíduos após a doença, desenvolveram-se de maneira positiva para a vida familiar, profissionale emocional, com progresos significativos.
Title in English
Assessment of Carriers of eating disorders: from a disease to what?…
Keywords in English
anorexia nervosa
bulimia nervosa
Keywords: eating disorders
Abstract in English
Eating disorders are serious diseases that can go along important comorbidities if not treated from a clinical, nutritional, psychological and psychiatric point of view. Thus, the aim of the study was to investigate nutritional and psychosocial aspects of individuals that carried anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa from the group of assistants in alimentary disorders – GRATA – of the clinic hospital of the University of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo – USP, which received treatment and were discharged from the hospital.For that, a semi-structured interview was elaborated, and the individuals studied were asked about their occupation, marital status, number of children and main changes that occurred after their treatment. Their nutritional state was also evaluated, by checking their weight, height, cutaneous fold and the arm circumference. We analyzed their eating habits through alimentary 24-hour records and questionnaire of alimentary frequency. In order to evaluate the psychosocial adjustment of the individual, the following auto-applicable instruments were utilized: The general health questionnaire of Goldberg, Beck’s Depression Inventory, the Hospital scale of Anxiety and Depression (HAD) and the Alimentary Attitude Test (EAT-26)We found 10 subjects, of which 9 were females and 1 was male with ages between 21 and 34 that felt euphoric. There was only 1 subject that was overweight. In the semi-structured interview, significant changes were observed after the discharge from the hospital, as follows: 5 subjects have already graduated from college and contribute to their family income, 3 subjects are still in college, 5 subjects have gotten married and have already had their first child, 1 subject has been getting a psychiatric follow-up, and none of them has been getting a nutritional follow-up. We noticed the presence of regular menstrual cycles in all of the female subjects. Currently, one subject uses phytotherapic medication and diuretic teas to maintain her weight. The caloric ingestion has become closer to the daily recommendations (RDA) for 9 subjects and was exceeded to the daily protein recommendations in 9 subjects. Some vitamins and minerals were deficient in 6 subjects, such as iron, calcium and retinol. The questionnaire of alimentary frequency, when compared to the alimentary pyramid adapted to the Brazilian populations was considered adequate in the following items: dairy group, vegetables and carbohydrates. Hypo caloric and diet aliments are frequently ingested by 7 subjects. The QSG shows values that indicate normality in all factors, HAD detected a slight anxiety in 4 subjects. Beck’s inventory detected a slight depression in 1 subject from the group. The EAT-26 didn’t present a negative score as to the indication of abnormal alimentary behavior. In conclusion, the group studied was within the adequate nutritional state as well as a psychosocial adjustment of what are considered normal boundaries. Therefore, further investigations are necessary with respect of the prognostics of the carriers of these disorders, in order to aid in more specific therapeutical approaches.
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