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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Luciana Sanchez Raffin
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2004
Bacheschi, Luiz Alberto (President)
Livramento, José Antonio
Machado, Luis dos Ramos
Rocha, Fernando Coronetti Gomes da
Takayanagui, Osvaldo Massaiti
Title in Portuguese
Avaliação das lesões císticas da neurocisticercose na difusão e espectroscopia de prótons pela ressonância magnética
Keywords in Portuguese
Espectroscopia de prótons
Ressonância magnética
Sistema nervoso central
Abstract in Portuguese
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é descrever as características do sinal nas lesões císticas da neurocisticercose nas imagens ponderadas em difusão e os metabólitos encontrados na espectroscopia de prótons. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 38 pacientes (39 lesões) com neurocisticercose, usando-se difusão e espectroscopia de prótons. Os exames foram realizados em um magneto de 1,5 T (Signa Horizon LX: GE Medical Systems). A difusão foi realizada no plano axial, com múltiplos cortes com seqüência eco planar. A espectroscopia de prótons utilizou a seqüência PRESS (point-resolved spectroscopy) com TR of 1500 ms e TE de 30/135 ms. RESULTADOS: Os cistos apresentaram intensidade de sinal similar a do líquido cefalorraqueano (LCR) na difusão e valores de CDA sobreponíveis, variando de 1,36 a 3,18 x 10-3 mm2/s. Os picos detectáveis na espectroscopia foram lactato (96,3%), succinato (48%), alanina (40%), lipídeos (15%), aminoácidos citosólicos (7,5%) e acetato (3,7%). CONCLUSÃO: As lesões císticas da neurocisticercose apresentaram hipossinal na difusão e os picos encontrados na espectroscopia de prótons, em ordem decrescente de freqüência, foram lactato, succinato, alanina, lipídeos, aminoácidos citosólicos e acetato
Title in English
Evaluation of the cystic lesions of the neurocysticercosis on diffusion and magnetic resonance proton spectroscopy
Keywords in English
Central nervous system
Diffusion weighted images
Magnetic resonance image
Proton MR spectroscopy
Abstract in English
PURPOSE: The objective of this study is to describe the signal behavior of cystic neurocysticercotic lesions on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and single voxel proton spectroscopy findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 38 patients (39 lesions) with neurocysticercosis, using diffusion-weighted images and proton MR spectroscopy. The examinations were performed on a 1.5 T scanner (Signa Horizon LX: GE Medical Systems). DWI was performed in the axial plane, using a multisection single shot echo planar pulse sequence. The single voxel proton spectroscopy technique used was the point-resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence with a TR of 1500 ms, short and long TE of 30/135 ms. RESULTS: The cysts presented similar signal intensity to the CSF on DWI, with comparable ADC values, ranging from 1.36 to 3.18 x 10-3 mm2/s. The detectable peaks were lactate (96.3%), succinate (48%), alanine (40%), lipids (15%), cytosolic amino acids (7.5%) and acetate (3.7%). CONCLUSION: The cysts of neurocysticercosis presented hyposignal on DWI and peaks of lactate, succinate, alanine, lipids, cytosolic amino acids and acetate in proton spectroscopy, in decreasing order of frequency
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