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Thèse de Doctorat
Nom complet
Ana Leonor Pardo Campos Godoy
Adresse Mail
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
Ribeirão Preto, 2009
Lanchote, Vera Lucia (Président)
Bonato, Pierina Sueli
Lepera, Jose Salvador
Peccinini, Rosangela Gonçalves
Serra, Cristina Helena dos Reis
Titre en portugais
Influência do diabetes experimental na disposição cinética e no metabolismo estereosseletivos do tramadol em ratos
Mots-clés en portugais
diabetes experimental
Resumé en portugais
O trans-tramadol (trans-T), é um analgésico de ação central disponível na clínica como mistura racêmica dos enantiômeros (+)-trans-T e (-)-trans-T. O trans-T é biotransformado pelo CYP2D ao metabólito ativo O-desmetiltramadol (M1) e pelo CYP2B e CYP3A ao metabólito inativo N-desmetiltramadol (M2). O estudo investiga a influência do diabetes experimental na disposição cinética e no metabolismo dos enantiômeros do trans-T e seus metabólitos em animais tratados ou não com insulina e/ou quinidina. Os ratos machos Wistar foram divididos nos grupos controle, quinidina (dose única de quinidina i.p. 80mg/Kg 4 h antes do trans-T), diabético (dose única de estreptozotocina i.v. 45 mg/kg), diabético insulina (insulina NPH 2 UI/dia durante 12 dias), diabético quinidina e diabético insulina quinidina. Os animais (n=6/tempo de coleta) receberam dose única oral (gavagem) de 20 mg/kg de rac-trans-T e as coletas seriadas de sangue foram realizadas até 12 h após a administração. As concentrações plasmáticas dos enantiômeros do trans-T, M1 and M2 foram determinadas por LC-MS-MS usando a coluna de fase quiral Chiralpak® AD. Os parâmetros farmacocinéticos foram calculados com auxílio do programa WinNonlin 4.1. e expressos como mediana. A disposição cinética do trans-T é enantiosseletiva no grupo controle com acúmulo plasmático do (+)-trans-T (AUC 527,88 vs 116,38 ng.h/mL) e do (+)-M2 (AUC 1210,90 vs 225,34 ng.h/mL); teste de Wilcoxon com p<0,05. A administração de quinidina mostra perda da enantiosseletividade na disposição cinética do trans-T e acúmulo plasmático do (-)-M1 (AUC 957,61 vs 1672,70 ng.h/mL) e do (+)-M2 (AUC 4732,40 vs 1582,80 ng.h/mL). A comparação entre os grupos controle e quinidina permite observar que o tratamento com quinidina resulta em acúmulo plasmático do (-)-trans-T (AUC 828,44 vs 116,38 ng.h/mL), (+)-trans-T (AUC 2243,10 vs 527,88 ng.h/mL), (-)-M2 (AUC 1582,80 vs 225,34 ng.h/mL) e (+)-M2 (AUC 4732,40 vs 1210,90 ng.h/mL). Os animais com diabetes induzido por estreptozotocina quando comparados ao grupo controle mostram inibição (teste Kruskall-Wallis, p<0,05) do metabolismo do (+)-trans-T (AUC 527,88 vs 2617,80 ng.h/mL), (-)-trans-T (AUC 116,38 vs 1081,70 ng.h/mL) e do (-)-M1 (918,52 vs 2723,90 ng.h/mL). O tratamento com insulina durante 12 dias reverte a inibição preferencial no metabolismo do (-)-trans-T causada pelo diabetes experimental. Os valores de AUC do (-)-trans-T no grupo diabetes insulina (195,42 ng.h/mL) são próximos aos valores reportados para o grupo controle (116,38 ng.h/mL) e menores do que aqueles reportados para o grupo diabético (1081,70 ng.h/mL). Em relação ao (+)-trans-T pode-se observar tendência de redução nas concentrações plasmáticas no grupo de animais diabéticos tratados com insulina (AUC 1460,10 ng.h/mL) em relação ao grupo diabético (AUC 2617,80 ng.h/mL). Concluindo, os animais com diabetes induzido por estreptozotocina mostram inibição preferencial do metabolismo do (-)-trans-T, a qual é revertida pelo tratamento com insulina durante 12 dias. O tratamento com quinidina resulta em acúmulo plasmático do (-)-trans-T, (+)-trans-T, (-)-M2 e (+)-M2. Ressalta-se, no entanto que nos animais com diabetes induzido por estreptozotocina tratados ou não com insulina a quinidina não altera a disposição cinética de ambos os enantiômeros do trans-T.
Titre en anglais
Influence of experimental diabetes on the kinetic disposition and stereoselective metabolism of trans-tramadol in rats.
Mots-clés en anglais
experimental diabetes
Resumé en anglais
Trans-tramadol (trans-T) is a central action analgesic, which is available in clinical practice as a racemic mixture of the (+)-trans-T and (-)-trans-T enantiomers. Trans-T is biotransformed by CYP2D to the active metabolite O-desmethyltramadol (M1) and by CYP2B and CYP3A to the inactive metabolite N-desmethyltramadol (M2). This study investigates the influence of experimental diabetes on the kinetic disposition and metabolism of the enantiomers of trans-T and its metabolites in animals treated or not with insulin and/or quinidine. Male Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: control, quinidine (single i.p. dose of 80 mg/kg quinidine administered 4 h before trans-T), diabetic (single i.v. dose of 45 mg/kg streptozotocin), insulin diabetic (2 IU/day NPH insulin for 12 days), quinidine diabetic, and insulin+quinidine diabetic. The animals (n=6 per sampling time) received a single oral (gavage) dose of 20 mg/kg racemic trans-T and serial blood samples were collected up to 12 h after administration of the drug. Plasma concentrations of the trans-T, M1 and M2 enantiomers were determined by LC-MS/MS using a Chiralpak® AD chiral column. The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using the WinNonlin 4.1 program and are expressed as median. The kinetic disposition of trans-T was enantioselective in the control group, with the plasma accumulation of (+)-trans-T (AUC 527.88 vs 116.38 ng.h/mL) and (+)-M2 (AUC 1210.90 vs 225.34 ng.h/mL) (Wilcoxon test, p<0.05). The administration of quinidine resulted in the loss of enantioselectivity in the kinetic disposition of trans-T and in the plasma accumulation of (-)-M1 (AUC 957.61 vs 1672.70 ng.h/mL) and (+)-M2 (AUC 4732.40 vs 1582.80 ng.h/mL). Comparison between the control and quinidine groups showed that treatment with quinidine resulted in the plasma accumulation of (-)-trans-T (AUC 828.44 vs 116.38 ng.h/mL), (+)-trans-T (AUC 2243.10 vs 527.88 ng.h/mL), (-)-M2 (AUC 1582.80 vs 225.34 ng.h/mL), and (+)-M2 (AUC 4732.40 vs 1210.90 ng.h/mL). Inhibition of the metabolism of (+)-trans-T (AUC 527.88 vs 2617.80 ng.h/mL), (-)-trans-T (AUC 116.38 vs 1081.70 ng.h/mL), and (-)-M1 (918.52 vs 2723.90 ng.h/mL) was observed in animals with streptozotocin-induced diabetes when compared to the control group (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.05). Treatment with insulin for 12 days reversed the preferential inhibition of the metabolism of (-)-trans-T caused by experimental diabetes. The AUC value of (-)-trans-T obtained for the insulin diabetic group (195.42 ng.h/mL) was close to that found for the control group (116.38 ng.h/mL) and lower than that observed for the diabetic group (1081.70 ng.h/mL). Plasma concentrations of (+)-trans-T tended to be lower in the group of diabetic animals treated with insulin (AUC 1460.10 ng.h/mL) compared to the diabetic group (AUC 2617.80 ng.h/mL). In conclusion, preferential inhibition of the metabolism of (-)-trans-T is observed in animals with streptozotocin-induced diabetes, which is reversed by insulin treatment for 12 days. Treatment with quinidine results in the plasma accumulation of (-)-trans-T, (+)-trans-T, (-)-M2, and (+)-M2. However, quinidine does not alter the kinetic disposition of either trans-T enantiomer in animals with streptozotocin-induced diabetes treated or not with insulin.
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