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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Vitor de Melo Sugimoto
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2015
Monteiro, Katia Canton (President)
Castro, Eliane Dias de
Cunha, Maria Zilda da
Title in Portuguese
Contos consumados
Keywords in Portuguese
Artes visuais
Folclore japonês
Narrativas enviesadas
Realidade e fantasia
Abstract in Portuguese
Misturando o mundano ao universo maravilhoso, esta pesquisa não só objetivou quebrar a barreira entre realidade fantasia, mas também acabou por revelar histórias profundamente humanas.
Title in English
Consummated tales
Keywords in English
Japanese folk tales
Reality and fantasy
Skewed narratives
Visual arts
Abstract in English
Merging the mundane and the marvellous universe, the research not only aimed to break the reality/fantasy barrier, but also ended up revealing deep human stories.
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