Master's Dissertations
Results: Displaying 10 of 73382 on page 6249 of 7339
Leaf transcriptome analysis of Eucalyptus grandis in response to potassium or sodium...
The mobilization of reserves is differentially affected by water deficit and heat...
The fable discursive genre in Libras: a enunciative analysis of texts in the virtual...
The rights of refugees in Brazil: reflections on the gross and generalized violation...
Economic and financial viability study of citrus industry: impacts of the sectoral...
Volunteering among older people in urban São Paulo
Análise não-paramétrica de experimentos em parcelas subdividas
Diversification of bamboo rats in Amazon rainforest (Dactylomys, Echimyidae, Rodentia):...
Participation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases in mesenchymal stem cells...
Analysis of the behaviour of acoustic emission during the diamond turning of brittle...
Results: Displaying 10 of 73382 on page 6249 of 7339