Disertaciones de Maestría
Resultados: Listando 10 de 74027 en la página 6260 de 7403
An accounting contribution to the follow-up of wood sector activities in Para's Amazon...
Single Health System Hospital Information System: Support for the use of secondary...
Daily habits and profile of students at a technical school: possibilities for personalized...
Anatomy and essential oil analyses of the vegetative organs of Aldama tenuifolia...
Emotions and interaction rituals put into practice by the pre-service physics teacher...
Stock performance and capital structure of non-financial Brazilian publicly traded...
Analysis of structural models to determine limit forces in spread footing
The educational reforms of São Paulo State, 2008: impact on student training and...
Functional differential equations with state-dependent delay
Resultados: Listando 10 de 74027 en la página 6260 de 7403