Disertaciones de Maestría
Resultados: Listando 10 de 73541 en la página 6483 de 7355
Evaluation of the neuroprotective effect of cannabidiol in mitochondria isolated...
Study of the acclimation of anaerobic sludge as an inoculation strategy for star-up...
Considerations about the hydraulic of stepped spillways: nondimensional methodologies...
Processing of crude glycerol in anaerobic fluidized bed reactors, acidogenic and...
Software validation protocol for blood centers
Entre la souveranieté et la liberté: admission et etablissement dinvestissements...
Immunohistochemical expression of p53 and bcl-2 in enzootic bovine leukosis case...
Transparency in compensation system communication: a proposal for a measurement instrument...
Internationalization of companies and corruption: analysis of the non-systematic...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 73541 en la página 6483 de 7355