Disertaciones de Maestría
Resultados: Listando 10 de 73811 en la página 6543 de 7382
Environmental requirements in the Brazilian soybean market: description and impact...
The professional future of the food engineer facing industry 4.0
Separation of 13C by ion exchange chromatography in a cascade system and production...
Remote sensing and geoprocessing applied to the soils and cover characterization...
Educommunication and citizenship in Latin America. The interface comunication/education...
Audiological profile of military police exposed to environmental noise
Móveis: da visualidade à visualização
Commitment of bovine enamel after brushing in the function of acid etching,whitening...
Catalytic studies on hidrocarbon oxidation using fluorosubstituted metalloporphyrins...
Orskov and McDonald?s model adjustment to ruminal degradation in situ data using...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 73811 en la página 6543 de 7382