Doctoral Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 50961 on page 13 of 5097
Analysis of PROP1 gene in patients with hypopituitarism: study in DNA from blood...
Study of the association between global and specific health-related quality of life,...
The interference of the sexual hormones in the time of skeletization. Experimental...
Aging of acrylic resins for denture bases under extreme conditions
Electronic paramagnetic resonance dosimetry using alanine: new methodology and a...
Mid-term results of the maze procedure using radiofrequency ablation in patients...
Characterization of Pic (protein involved in colonization) in atypical enteropathogenic...
Chemical properties and nutrient and metal availability as consequence of urban waste...
Phylogenomics, diversification, and biogeography of Neotropical squirrels (Sciurillinae...
Comparison between magnetic resonance and x-ray dacryocystography in the evaluation...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50961 on page 13 of 5097