Doctoral Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 50545 on page 28 of 5055
Noninvasive endocrine and behavioral study of the pregnancy, birth and lactation...
Life territories: resistances, existences and production of care by black women
The constitution/identity of the discursive formations and controversial interdiscursiviness...
Geographer´s area: colonization and agriculture in the Orlando Valverde´s work ...
Pharmacognostic evaluation of Acanthospermum australe (Loefl.) O. Kuntze Asterac...
Prospective memory after mesial temporal resection
Investigation of thresholds of the processes of fragmentation and incomplete fus...
Comparação entre os métodos de autofecundação e retrocruzamento no estudo da herança...
Language and signs in the theories of knowledge of the Enlightenment
The reasons and the limits of the national policies for urban development: a comparative...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50545 on page 28 of 5055