Doctoral Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 50876 on page 4348 of 5088
Engagement in Open Source Software projects via Summer of Code programs
Analysis of circular reinforced concrete pipes for the diametrical compression test...
When work invades life: a study of the relationship between work, everyday life and...
Toxicological assessment of Cannabis and cocaine exposure during pregnancy in human...
Adolescent and youth health needs in contemporary society: a study in Mossoró, Rio...
New method of numerical renormalization group applied to the calculation of the magnetic...
Circadian rhythms in ganglionectomized and pinealectomized rats: a molecular and...
Association between the empowerment of women and their social, health and nutrition...
Enuresis project: adhesion and effectiveness in alarm treatment
Study of the effects of intranasal oxytocin on fear, pain and aversive memory in...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50876 on page 4348 of 5088