Doctoral Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 50651 on page 4536 of 5066
Evolution of the microstructure and the physical properties of high-alumina-based...
Enough state protection of the environment through civil liability
A contribution for the free form milling applying the high speed cutting technol...
Hybrid self assembled layer-by-layer films containing Keggin type polyoxometalat...
Post-processing of metallic parts produced by additive manufacturing
Effects of interactions between mesenchymal stem cells from healthy rats and rats...
A novel Internet of Things architecture with pattern recognition and big data pr...
The evaluation of devices intended to the supporting or movement use of the upper...
Studies of cases in power systems by optimal power flow and sensitivity analysis
Education of the countryside and agroecology: peasant emancipation and resistance...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50651 on page 4536 of 5066