Doctoral Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 50876 on page 4592 of 5088
Direct oxidation of ethylene glycol by binary electrochemical catalysts based on...
Laminin peptide C16 regulates migration, invasion and protease activity of adenoid...
Childhood Studies in Mozambique: production and dissemination of research with and...
Inward Life exposed - the media space for the narratives of personal stories of the...
Brushing effect of eletric system on the surface of the enamel and of the healthy...
Migration to professional qualification of the workforce and the racial issues: Black...
Three-dimensional evaluation of maxillary molar distalization with skeletal anch...
It was a fever, it was a delirium: a scholarly edition from O Seminarista, by Bernardo...
Hormonal, cognitive and neuroanatomical factors associated with the exploratory behavior...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50876 on page 4592 of 5088