Doctoral Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 50651 on page 4709 of 5066
Root cause analysis of incidents related to patient safety in nursing care in inpatient...
Habits and lifestyles studied as risk factors for testicular function in male in...
Complete exome mapping in type II focal cortical dysplasias in children and adol...
Evolution of the secondary sexual characters in Characidae (Teleostei: Characifo...
Cyberspace: a New Agora for communicative performance through teaching and hybrid...
Interculturality, theory of law and indigenous rights
Mechanisms associated to the loss of galectin-3 gene expression in a model of murine...
Evaluation of amino acid use on the soybean crop
Electrosynthetic methodology for the construction of electrochemical sensors based...
In vitro evaluation of bacterial leakage at the implant/abutment interface after...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50651 on page 4709 of 5066