Doctoral Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 50710 on page 5007 of 5071
Study of a prediction model for tuberculosis treatment loss to follow up
Effects of a short-term diaphragmatic breathing program on respiratory mechanics...
The contractual provisions of supervening circumstances: a theoretical approach focused...
Ovarian reserve evaluation in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome
Effect of different treatments on the dental erosion interception
Survival study and assessment of prognostic factors in dogs with idiopathic dilated...
Polietileneglycol 400 marked with Technetium-99m to evaluate the intracanal dentin...
Aspects of the quality of tetracycline in solid pharrnaceutical forrnulations. Correlation...
Vusualization as support to the extraction and exploration of association rules
Study of the presence of osteonecrosis of the jaw following molar extraction in rats...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50710 on page 5007 of 5071