Doctoral Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 50710 on page 5036 of 5071
Selenium transfer and glycosylation profile in alpaca placentas (Vicugna pacos)
Comparative evolution of fibrotic load in a cardiac magnetic resonance study in patients...
Random regression models to quality traits of bovine milk
Analysis of multipotent mesenchymal cells derived from different adipose tissue donor...
Is point-of-care lung ultrasound an alternative to chest-xray for diagnosing acute...
Approach of tobacco users in the context of primary health care: the perspective...
Identification of Platinum Group Elements (PGEs) from vehicle emission, using the...
Discrimination of organisms from the Leishmania genus by High Resolution Melting...
Molecular factors involved in the metabolic changes during pregnancy: role of SO...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50710 on page 5036 of 5071