Doctoral Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 50876 on page 5056 of 5088
Performance of two prognostic scores systems in a tertiary pediatric intensive care...
Metalloporphyrins immobilized on mesoporous silicas as biomimetic catalysts in the...
The collective protection of personal data in Brazil: the defense of rights between...
Jonathas Serrano and the New School in Brazil: root Catholics in the current Lib...
Good practices in animal experimentation: innovations for ethical teaching in laboratory...
Enterococcus faecalis: development of a final irrigant to destroy it, analysis of...
Genetic drift of quantitative traits in maize
Value-free science?: an epistemological approach of the environmental accounting...
Urban pavement management system: field evaluation, prediction model and economic...
Effect of limestone filler content on the microstructure of cementitious materials:...
Results: Displaying 10 of 50876 on page 5056 of 5088