Tesis Doctorales
Resultados: Listando 10 de 50701 en la página 4343 de 5071
Appropriation of urban spaces by children: perezhivanie in the subject-environment...
Reconstituição paleoambiental de ambientes marinhos das regiões Sudeste e Sul brasileiras...
Evaluation of the reliability of photogrammetry and craniofacial structures as alternative...
Urban watershed: restoration, revitalization, recovery. A study of Jaguaré water...
Performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Nellore young bulls with...
Evaluation of the diversity of river channel patterns and geodiversity in the Amazon...
Dual effects of FGF2 and PMA on H-rasV12 transformed HEK293 cell line
Aspects of self-employment: reports from truck loaders and workers in the Information...
Numerical modeling of the flow in permeable tube applied to the cross-flow filtration...
Analysis of the action of C6-ceramide on mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 50701 en la página 4343 de 5071