Thèses de Doctorat
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 50908 à l'page 4607 de 5091
The process of urbanization in the city of Parintins (AM): evolution and transfo...
Computer-supported Collaborative Argumentation in Undergraduate Chemistry Teachi...
Corn root rot caused by isolates of the complex Pythium graminicolum - Pythium arrhenomanes...
Nursing contribution to benefits investigation of the group interaction among the...
Evaluation of effects of moxidectin on the reproductive characteristics of the b...
Fundamental Aspects of Glycerol and Similar Alcohols Electrooxidation Reactions on...
Width of the soft palate and depth of the nasopharynx in transforame unilateral cleft...
Prevalence and factors associated to child malnutrition in two municipalities in...
Influence of selective denervation of baroreceptors and chemoreceptors in hemodynamic...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 50908 à l'page 4607 de 5091