Thèses de Doctorat
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 50876 à l'page 5 de 5088
Biomass quantification and characteristics produced under increased atmospheric CO2...
OMPP for conceptual design of aircraft based on evolutionary heuristics and decision...
The role of polymerase chain reaction and panel exams in the diagnosis of cutaneous...
Role of reactive oxygen species in schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis
Programmatic vulnerability in the implementation of rapid diagnostic testing of HIV...
Electronic properties of Topological Insulators
Conservation laws nonlocal, anomalies and exact S-matrices of two-dimensional mo...
Cut-off points to identify sarcopenia in older adults from normalized upper and lower...
In vivo efficacy of a Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri juice in the control of bacterial...
The legal protection of the intellectual capital
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 50876 à l'page 5 de 5088