Thèses de Doctorat
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 50684 à l'page 5036 de 5069
Effect of caries-preventive measures directed to expectant mothers on caries experience...
Interaction of the cellular prion protein with laminin and STI-1 and their possible...
HOXA10 as well as estrogen and progesterone receptor protein expression in the epithelium,...
Double entry door in Health: attending private health plans in public and philanthropic...
Application of Buriti oil (Mauritia flexuosa) on emulsions development and cytotoxic...
Sequencing of a barcode as a tool for the quantification of changes in the dynamics...
Characterization of resting state functional connectivity networks in first episode...
Performance of two prognostic scores systems in a tertiary pediatric intensive care...
Metalloporphyrins immobilized on mesoporous silicas as biomimetic catalysts in the...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 50684 à l'page 5036 de 5069