Habilitation Theses
Results: Displaying 10 of 918 on page 21 of 92
O método Re-Os e o estudo da origem e da evolução tectônica dos grandes complexos...
Reflections on the use of concept maps in Higher Education from the Cognitive Load...
Molecular biophysics of proteins and model systems
Intelligent mobile robotics: progress and challenges
The control in the Brazilian agricultural cooperatives: insights from those with...
Study of brain electrical activitiy from humans and bovines using digital signal...
Stability and optimal control of systems with dynamics subject to stochastic var...
Implante de Marcapasso Endocárdico Permanente pela Via Transfemoral em Crianças
A semiclassical model for spontaneous emission
Results: Displaying 10 of 918 on page 21 of 92