Tesis de Habilitaciónes
Resultados: Listando 10 de 918 en la página 9 de 92
The discourse of quality in higher education and its unfolding into global, regional...
English Republicanism: liberty in John Milton, Marchamont Nedham and James Harri...
Tradition and Inovation in the Geographical Thought: refletions and applications
Urban health on maps: discussing the role of the place's socioeconomic context
Synchronisation of ovulation using GnRH and prostaglandin F2α for timed insemination...
Geologia e modelagem geotectônica dos terrenos Pré-Cambrianos das regiões sul-oriental...
Management of sport in Brazil: reflections on advances, limits and challenges
Contributions to the study of continuous and categorical limited dependent varia...
Effects of alkyl substituents on the properties of dioxetanes
Resultados: Listando 10 de 918 en la página 9 de 92