Tokeshi, Hasime
Results: Displaying 10 of 29 on page 1 of 3
Isolamento, inoculação e sobrevivência de Xanthomonas albilineans e avaliação de...
Efeito da ventilação na germinação de cariopses e do vácuo na inoculação de Ustilago...
Evaluation of mechanical blowing process of sugar cane caryopses and effects in ...
Ratoon stunting disease: severity of xylem symptoms and quantification of field and...
Method of xylem coloration, by the aid of the transpiratory flux, applied to the...
Evaluation of resistance to ratoon stunting disease and leaf scald through water...
Influence of vacuum, photoperiod and substratum in the selection of sugarcane resistant...
Correlation between water flow and resistance to sugarcane ratoon stunting disea...
Padronização metodológica da inoculação de plântulas de cana-de-açúcar para seleção...
Results: Displaying 10 of 29 on page 1 of 3