Seixas, Renato Braz Oliveira de
Results: Displaying 10 of 17 on page 1 of 2
From behind the counter: searching the effects of tourism in the life of hostess...
Dialogues of the symbolic: [re]building imaginary about Brazil and Argentina in journalistic...
Noticias de Honduras: una lectura crítica de la cobertura de los periódicos diarios...
The producer receptor and the receiver producer: the use of new communication tools...
Música, educación y descolonización: el Modelo Educativo Sociocomunitario Productivo...
Canciones a orillas del río: música e identidad en el espacio cultural uniendo Paraguay,...
The development of the soybean production chain in Bolivia and the Brazilian presence:...
Communication and counseling - the lawyer as a legitimate mediator of diffuse and...
Intercambio cultural en la frontera: relaciones comerciales entre Brasil y Paraguay...
The potential of crowdfunding for the safeguarding of the Latin American intangible...
Results: Displaying 10 of 17 on page 1 of 2