Dematte, Jose Luiz Ioriatti
Resultados: Listando 10 de 18 en la página 1 de 2
Evolution of a sequence of clayey up to sandy soils in the Guayanan Complex of the...
Mineralogy and genesis of soils derived from Irati rocks formation-in the Piracicaba...
Effects of soil preparation systems in a cerrado soil cropp-ed with soybean [Glycine...
Chronological evaluation of the land use and its environmental impact in the watershed...
Characterization and genesis of the red-yellow podzolic alic high activity clay of...
Sequencial pedogenic model applied in soils of Jequitaí region - M.G
Soil-physiographic surfaces relationship in a toposequence of Piracicaba, SP
Effect of lime and phosphogypsum, applied before sugar cane planting or on ratoon,...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 18 en la página 1 de 2