Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro
Resultados: Listando 10 de 26 en la página 1 de 3
Impact of kinematics in the efficiency and safety of a mechanized instrument in the...
Analysis of different irrigants and irrigation protocols in cleaning, dentinal structure,...
Analysis in micro-CT and scanning electron microscopy of new instruments in retreatment...
Analysis of pH and antimicrobial activity of Ambroxol Hydrochloride and N-Acetylcysteine...
Effect of blood on physical-chemical properties and discoloration of experimental...
The effect of the use of phytotherapics and propolis in physicochemical properties,...
Evaluation by scanning electron microscopy of cleaning and deformation of rotary...
Impact of metallurgical features and cross-sectional design on the cyclic and torsional...
Assessment of apical transport, centralization, dentin wear and volume increase proportionned...
Evaluation of the effectiveness of different irrigation protocols in the root canal...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 26 en la página 1 de 3