Trivelin, Paulo Cesar Ocheuze
Results: Displaying 10 of 41 on page 1 of 5
Nitrogen and sulfur balance in the soil-sugarcane system during the plant cane c...
Nitrogen fertilization in sugarcane ratoon: long-term effects of fertilizers and...
Corn fertilization with ammonium sulfate in a Brasília Cerrado soil under Brachiaria...
N-fertilizer (N-urea) utilization by sugarcane foliar-applied in the period of maximum...
Sustainable systems for sugarcane production: integrated influence of soil management,...
Nitrogen (15N) use efficiency in maize as affected by urea treated with boric acid...
15N pool dilution technique for assessing gross ammonification and nitrification...
Nitrogen transformations in soil-plant system after herbicide application
Agronomic efficiency of nitrogen fertilization at planting and after the first harvest,...
Sugar cane root system and identification of roots with active metabolism
Results: Displaying 10 of 41 on page 1 of 5