Vasconcellos, Eduardo Pinheiro Gondim de
Results: Displaying 10 of 29 on page 1 of 3
Technology readiness level and innovation openness on R&D&I Projects: conceptual...
Barriers and facilitators to technological innovation: laboratory techniques without...
Case study: the organizational structure for innovation at 3M do Brasil
Customer services: organization and management of processes, the case of a cellular...
Internationalization and marketing: factors of influence in decision on products...
Internationalization and influencing factors for products customization decision:...
Technology adoption: decision factors for the adoption of the internet of things...
Strategic and structural relations in retailing
Strategic foresight and the generation of innovation concepts in higher education:...
Study of the project manager's competences in monitoring projects contracted with...
Results: Displaying 10 of 29 on page 1 of 3