Sverzut, Cassio Edvard
Results: Displaying 10 of 12 on page 1 of 2
Volumetric analysis of the maxillary sinuses condition after zygomatic implants rehabilitation:...
Retrospective analysis of 129 consecutive zygomatic implants applied for rehabilitation...
Linear analysis of the nasal septum in patients submitted to surgically assisted...
Comparative study of the bone repair in mandibular body osteotomy between metallic...
Histologic and histometric analysis of bone repair in mandibular body osteotomy and...
Evaluation of the facial volume of patients undergoing orthognathic surgery with...
A retrospective evaluation of facial volume in post-orthognathic surgery patients...
Evaluation of upper and lower lip changes after two-jaw orthognathic surgery using...
Histometric and histological analysis of bone to screw contact between metallic and...
Evaluation of chin morphology after two-jaw orthognactic surgery: a retrospective...
Results: Displaying 10 of 12 on page 1 of 2