Vianna, Claudia Pereira
Results: Displaying 10 of 27 on page 1 of 3
Interweaving gender and public policies: the participation of women teachers in configuration...
Gender relations and teaching work: shifts and rhythms in the everyday life of female...
Gender and sexuality in a public school in the city of São Paulo: between challenges,...
Masculinities, race and school failure: narratives by young students in Youth and...
Teaching gender to build democracy: the educational policy on gender and sexual diversity...
Homosexual femininities on the scholar environment: concealing and discriminations...
University influences on lesbian identification processes: belonging, acceptance,...
Women and teachers undergoing formation: reports given during the course Gender and...
Gender relations, sexual diversity and educational policies: an analysis of the Program...
Early childhood education, spaces of confrontation and familiarization with differences:...
Results: Displaying 10 of 27 on page 1 of 3