Zavaglia, Adriana
Results: Displaying 10 of 20 on page 1 of 2
Juridical translation and divorce: creating a glossary in Portuguese, English and...
The knowledge of the other through image and translation
Image and text in translation: an analysis of the translation process in comics
Comparable dictionary (Portuguese-French) of textual genre: scientific article
Terminology of photovoltaic solar energy for terminographic purposes: a study based...
A translation proposal of the legal Ancien Régime's terminology in Jean Racine's...
The dilemma of the foreign-familiar and the cultural markers of Brazil: the case...
The challenge of thinking about language in translation studies: a proposal for translation...
A study of Portuguese adversative markers under a differential bilingual lexicographic...
A study of the lexical item BEM (Portuguese - French) by Corpus Linguistics
Results: Displaying 10 of 20 on page 1 of 2