Simões, Antonio Carlos
Results: Displaying 10 of 20 on page 1 of 2
Sport and psychological resistance: a study of behavior characteristics of marathonist...
Competitive school sports: an analisis of situational stress associated to group...
Post-exercise recovering methods: effects on physiological, psychological, biochemical,...
Yellow stress in the sport: from the alterations of the color from the skin to a...
Persephone's profile and stud about religious beliefs and locus control of handball...
Longitudinal study of adherance to a cardiac prevention and rehabilitation progr...
Adesão ao exercício físico em programa privado de reabilitação cardíaca
Being is to be perceived: an x-ray of the high-level women handball athletes' body...
Sports Social Programs: a study of the relations between sport and self-concept
The Reduction of state anxiety in penalty kickers in soccer
Results: Displaying 10 of 20 on page 1 of 2