Taqueda, Maria Elena Santos
Results: Displaying 10 of 18 on page 1 of 2
Comparison of paints formulations environmental impacts with life cicle assessment...
Hydrodynamics of a liquid-liquid two-phase oil-water flow in a core annular patt...
Development of obtaining 2-butoxyetyl ethanoate from 2-etoxyetyl ethanoate e 2-b...
Acid hydrolysis and salts extraction of raw glycerin from biodiesel production
Dehydration by azeotropic distillation of glycerine obtained as byproduct of biodiesel...
Comparative study of batch distillation operating with constant reflux and constant...
Design, fabrication and experimental evaluation of a industrial cyclone washer
Study of CO2 process absorption into aqueous alkanolamines in packed tower
Optimization of the absorption columns in the acetone recovery at the Filter Tow...
Improving the process Hatschek, by means of treatment of historical data for manufacture...
Results: Displaying 10 of 18 on page 1 of 2