Vieira, Joaquim Edson
Resultados: Listando 10 de 16 en la página 1 de 2
Validation of the MentalPlus® digital game as a tool for assessing cognitive functions...
Analysis of the mechanical ventilatory support in anesthesia and its correlation...
Loco-regional anesthesia for cardiac patients odontologic treatment: comparative...
Effects of anesthetic preconditioning with sevoflurane on bleeding in total knee...
Validation of the MentalPlus® digital game as a neuropsychological test for postoperative...
Effect of respiratory physical therapy on immediate postoperative in patients submitted...
An analysis of pulmonary distress after immediate childbirth through the use of computerized...
Knowledge gain, learning strategies, satisfaction with the learning environment and...
Determination of optimal PEEP by electrical impedance tomography during the intraoperative...
Randomized clinical trial about the impact of labor analgesia on serum catecholamine...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 16 en la página 1 de 2