Silva, Marcos Antonio da
Resultados: Listando 10 de 48 en la página 2 de 5
The unchained dream: the Brazilian cineclubist movement (from the aesthetic engagement...
History teaching and films in the classroom: "1492" and the social-historical th...
The leprosy in Brazil in Vargas government and prophylaxis of compulsory isolation:...
A few bars: Câmara Cascudo (1920/1960)
The people against their benefactors: application of criminal law in Sant'Anna Paranahyba,...
Cor, pobreza e ação afirmativa: O projeto Geração XXI (SP, 1999/2006)"
Migrants from the state of Ceará to the state of Pará: faces of survival (1889-...
History teachers on scene: trajectories of teachers in public schools in São Paulo...
The "non-place" of poverty in globalized Recife (about popular housing, 2003/201...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 48 en la página 2 de 5