Susanna Junior, Remo
Resultados: Listando 10 de 10 en la página 1 de 1
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Result of the action of cyclophosphamide x mitomycin in rabbits submitted to tra...
Reproducibility of the water drinking test in treated glaucomatous patients
Evaluation of Glaucoma Staging Application (GSA) Accuracy, Reproducibility, and Speed...
Partial Tenon´s capsule resection with adjunctive mitomycin C in Ahmed valve implant...
Reproducibility of the modified daily tension curve and the water drinking test
Comparison of optic disc and retinal nerve fiber layer imaging methods for glaucoma...
Structural and Functional progression of glaucomatous damage to the macula
Driving performance of primary open-angle glaucoma patients: divided attention and...
The efficacy of transconjunctival needling revision with 5- fluorouracil in encapsulated...
Comparison of different imaging techniques to diagnose glaucoma
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Resultados: Listando 10 de 10 en la página 1 de 1