Takayanagui, Angela Maria Magosso
Resultados: Listando 10 de 22 en la página 1 de 3
Medical Waste Management in hospitals in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo: diagnosis...
Waste generated in households of individuals with diabetes mellitus who use insu...
Vegetal bioindicators of atmospheric pollution: a contribution to community heal...
Quality of water supplied for consumption in municipal public primary schools in...
Health conditions remaining of black population of Quilombo in Alcântara - MA
Challenges and perspectives in educational activities for health of promotion with...
The reality of radiographic image processing effluent management in medical imaging...
Risk Perception related to Oral Health among Persons Registered at a Family Health...
Water for human consumption and health: continuing iniquity in the periphery of Ribeirão...
Quality of life of community health agents from a city in the interior of Paraná...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 22 en la página 1 de 3