Vitorello, Claudia Barros Monteiro
Resultados: Listando 10 de 23 en la página 2 de 3
Protein-protein interaction between a candidate effector of S. scitamineum and a...
Evaluating a hotspot region of the cytochrome b gene related to the resistance to...
A more detailed view of reactive oxygen species metabolism in the sugarcane and Sporisorium...
Genetic diversity of isolates of the fungus Sporisorium scitamineum analyzed by fingerprinting...
In silico characterization of polymorphic sequences in Sporisorium scitamineum population...
Study of sugarcane metabolism modulation by the plant pathogenic fungus Sporisorium...
Depiction of shared components in flowering pathway and smut whip development pathway...
Arabidopsis thaliana as a model plant for the study of plant-pathogen interaction...
Functional analysis of candidate effector proteins during Sporisorium scitamineum...
Evaluation of Bacteroidetes dynamics in biodegradation process of polymeric blend...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 23 en la página 2 de 3