Zanetti, Cristiano de Sousa
Resultados: Listando 10 de 11 en la página 1 de 2
Consequences of the use of artificial intelligence systems in contracting
The validity of exemption and limitation clauses in private law in the contract for...
Unjust enrichment: Legal-dogmatic research on scope of article 884, caput, of the...
Avoidance for breach in contracts for sales of goods: a comparative analysis between...
The tortious interference of a third party in the contractual relationship
The master agreement in Brazilian Private Law
La prescrizione in diritto civile brasiliano: natura giuridica ed efficacia
Verwirkung in Brazilian private law
Expectation interest and reliance interest: damages compensation in the Brazilian...
Contractual consequential damages: legal comparison
Resultados: Listando 10 de 11 en la página 1 de 2