Tagnin, Stella Esther Ortweiler
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 42 à l'page 4 de 5
Analysis of lexical-grammar patterns of aviation English: a study vectored by Corpus...
Is Huckleberry Finn really a racist novel?: an analysis of the work, some of its...
Typical Brazilian cooking translated into English: a corpus-based research
Brazilians image in north-american discourse in typical cookbooks: a corpus-driven...
Caused-motion Constructions in Learner English Corpora: from Observation to Expe...
Phraseology of the verb get in the English Language: a Corpus Linguistics and Construction...
Raising conventionality awareness to bridge gaps: suggestion of an English teaching...
Working closely with corpora. A proposal for teaching typical adverbial collocations...
Specialized collocations in Musical Harmony: a bidirectional Portuguese-English...
The translation of wordplays in the novel O xangô de Baker Street: a review of Delabastitas...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 42 à l'page 4 de 5