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Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 10902 of 12589
Estimation of the indice of abundance of fish stocks considering a structure of spatial...
Sap flow density and leaves water relations in the east and west sides of the canopy...
Sexual and reproductive behavior of Sphenophorus levis Vaurie, 1978 (Coleoptera:...
Correlação entre os níveis sangüíneos da proteína S100B e do NT-proBNP em portadores...
Quality of life of the renal transplant patients with bladder augmentation
Factors related to brain senescence and senility in a very-old population: a clinicopathologic...
Physical therapy in major depressive disorder : assessment of posture and body i...
Diagnostic properties of the Informant Questionnaire of Cognitive Decline in the...
Nuclear magnetic resonance in superionics conductors with fluorite-type structur...
Clinical and electromyographic study of lateral preference in mastication in patients...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 10902 of 12589