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Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 11150 of 12589
The cannabinoid system and its possible role in neuroprotection and plasticity processes:...
Role of PKC on exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1), modulation in MDCK cells
In vitro cocaine toxicity: participation of the dopaminergic pathway and the transcription...
Calculation of the energies and oscillator strenghts of the helium atom within the...
Short-range structure characterization of inorganic solids by high resolution nuclear...
Evaluation of the effect of the conventional periodontal treatment and associated...
Perineal pain after natural childbirth with episiotomy: the measurement, characterization...
Evolution of Pacients with Alcohol Dependency Syndrome Treatment at Caps-ad II
Optical espectroscopy of lead oxifluoroborates glasses doped with Dy3+
Maternal behavior and the role of opioid receptors on periaqueductal grey in female...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 11150 of 12589