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Results: Displaying 10 of 125757 on page 11728 of 12576
Paleontology of vertebrates from the transition between the Tubarão and Passa Dois...
Evolution tecnogenic systems of the Mucicipality of São Paulo
Evaluation of direct and indirect methods of diagnosis of brucellosis in naturally...
Comparison of cone beam computerized tomography and multislice computerized tomography...
Cephalometric radiographic study of soft tissue profile changes in Class I patients...
A comparative study of the cephalometric of the soft tissue profile based on Arnett´s...
Comparative study of convencional Ivy´s bleedind test and the oral mucosa bleeding...
Reorganization and privatization in the brazilian electric sector: impacts on the...
Conformational analysis and electronic interaction study of some ortho-substituted...
Flexural cyclic fatigue resistance of NiTi rotatory instruments due to number of...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125757 on page 11728 of 12576