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Results: Displaying 10 of 124996 on page 12166 of 12500
Topographic metabolic map of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma using image fusion...
Study of the relation between the morfofunctions characteristic of têmporomandibular...
Auditory temporal processing in children with reading disorder
Evaluation of the knowledge and behavior of a sample of Elementary Schoolteachers...
Biomechanics load transmission single implants according to prosthetic materials...
Study of acrylic resin for complete denture considering flexural strength and quantity...
Composite shrinkage stress as a function of specimen dimensions
Buccal and nutricional evaluation of elderly patients
Influence of the photoactivation mode and light-tip distance on the degree of conversion...
Influence of the splinting of fixed prosthetic restorations and the number of implants...
Results: Displaying 10 of 124996 on page 12166 of 12500