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Results: Displaying 10 of 125580 on page 12230 of 12558
Cavotricuspid isthmus ablation for the treatment of atrial flutter: prospective randomized...
Common mental disorders and alcohol use in a urban population of Botucatu - SP: a...
Supporting the childbearing woman: an interpersonal dimension within the context...
High frequency audiometry in individuals with normal hearing between 250 and 8.000...
Visual performance in myopic correction with spectacles and soft contact lenses
Validity of ultrasonography for the diagnosis of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc...
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the two ceramics in differents surfaces...
Study measurement the flow rate concenntration whole saliva of individuals with Down...
Analysis of the thermodynamic, physical and chemistry behavior of two acrylic resins...
Comparative study of the infiltration resistance that different resinous materials...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125580 on page 12230 of 12558