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Results: Displaying 10 of 124758 on page 12393 of 12476
Study of the distribuition hepatitis B and C serologic markers among blood donnors...
Randomized nutritional intervention trial in overweight adults at a Primary Health...
Biochemical, functional and molecular characterization of the rat mesenteric arterial...
Cell wall hydrolases in the seeds of Euphorbia heterophylla L. during germination...
From fordism to flexible production: the production of space in a context of changes...
Tradition and modernity: the samba transfomation and the cultural industry - 192...
Bean rust and angular leaf spot of bean: effect of foliar fungicides on the host...
Self-perception of oral health status in persons aged 60 years and over
A bibliometric study of health economics publications in Brazil, from 1989 to 19...
There is no protection against love: study on the reproductive behaviour and its...
Results: Displaying 10 of 124758 on page 12393 of 12476