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Results: Displaying 10 of 125521 on page 12477 of 12553
Mutagenesis and in vitro technology in the genetic improvement of black pepper (Piper...
Methane emission of Amazonian hydroelectric reservoirs from Powerlaw relations
Morphological and physiologcal traits associated with productivity and persistence...
Production and characterization of gum operon mutants of Xylella fastidiosa cvc ...
Optimizing the shelf-life of minimally processed aquacultured tilapia (Oreochromis...
Behavioural aspects of the Partridge (Rhynchotus rufescens) in captivity during the...
Effects of nutrition on reproductive cyclic activity and on plasmatic melatonin concentration...
Energy and nutrients disponibility to the people living in Recife and São Paulo metropolitan...
La oblicuidad, estructuras com dativos en la interlengua de estudiantes brasileños...
Water dynamics in earth mound of the Parecis Plateau
Results: Displaying 10 of 125521 on page 12477 of 12553