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Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 9671 of 12589
Aplicação multimídia interativa e educativa sobre saúde bucal orientada a idosos
Development of performance prediction models for asphalt pavements based on data...
Dynamics of oilwell drillstrings using non-colocated linear velocity control
Bond strength between layers of silorane and methacrylate-based materials
Respiratory and phonoarticulatory characteristics of individuals with dentofacial...
The action of photodynamic therapy on human dental plaque
Rehacer y resistir: el processo de escritura de operación masacre de Rodolfo Wal...
Efficiency of the use of nitrogen and sulfur by sugar cane (first and second ratoon)...
Characterization and possible role of the oxidative modulation of the cell wall in...
Soil carbon stocks in reforestation areas: bases for Clean Development Projects
Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 9671 of 12589